Saturday, October 19, 2013

She Rants

Happy Saturday people!

It is getting wet and cold...and I am very thankful for the fact that I don't have to drag my kids out in it every morning! I have already pulled out the sweatshirts!

Its almost Halloween, which we love around here, and I have a great post planned...tomorrow...

Today, she rants. Here is your warning: I am fixin to drag out my soapbox and hop right up on if you are easily offended, or just don't care to hear me b*tch...then now is your cue to exit.

I don't even know where to has been a discouraging and frustrating week. I love technology as much as the next person, but I truly believe it has created a generation of some of the rudest people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.

I am not trying to sound holier-than-thou...yes, I am positive I have bad days and am rude at times...but I also know that it isn't long before I feel REMORSE for doing so...and try to make amends.

It seems to me that the ability to hide behind a computer screen has created a society that says anything and everything...things they would never say to a person's face.

I notice these things more online...I do alot of buying and selling for my little business there...and people take no care with the tone they convey when they "talk". This is true for texting as well...there is no "tone" or body language for people to read when you are messaging or aware that what you say may be taken literally...take two seconds to make sure your message says what you really mean to say.

I wish the rudeness was limited to online....people are rude in person too. It makes me sad that people make such a big deal over the fact that my kids say yes ma'am and hold the door open for people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make my kids sound like saints, the Good Lord knows they are awful at home...but my point is, they know how to act in public, how to treat other people.

How much energy does it take to just smile at a stranger when you pass them in Wal-Mart? How much more time does it take to just be NICE?

I could say so much more...but I won't. Thanks for letting me vent....very entertaining Halloween post coming tomorrow, guys...stay tuned!!!

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