Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Confession

This post will not, as previously promised, contain a craft tutorial. Now in all fairness, I DID complete a crafty project today and I DID chronicle the entire thing using my handy dandy Instagram app. But y'all, Blogger and Instagram are kicking my @ss.

You may or may not know this about me, but I quit my job about a year ago. I was a Lead teacher for the Special Education department in my parish. And in that job, I did ALOT of stuff with computers. So I have fought with this blog/Instagram business for days thinking "Really, Kerry? You used to...blah, blah, blah". You know, we tend to remember the past how we want to remember the past, haha.

So, if you are currently employed by or have been employed by the school system in my parish, and I ever fixed your computer for you...here is my confession: I had NOT A CLUE what I was doing. I basically push buttons, jiggle wires, and click until I get lucky and something happens. But, hey, I was determined if nothing else. And I did get lucky alot.

I'm still determined...so the tutorial post will happen tomorrow, Lord willin', and it will contain lots of pictures...featuring big baybay! Please stay tuned!

P.S.  Did y'all know that Blogger has this horrible handy feature that lets you see how many people are visiting your page and reading your blog?? No, I haven't checked it 475 times in the last two days. Really. I haven't. But I am SO grateful for the 103 page views, whoever you are.

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