Sometimes the fastest way isn't always the best way,
Sometimes the best things in life take a while.
Well friends, I have decided not to rent a vendor's booth to sell my stuff right now. It just doesn't feel like the right time to amp it up. I have mixed feelings about this...I'm a little sad because I had so many cute things I wanted to try out in the booth, but I'm also a little relieved to have that off my plate at this time.
The good news is that I have lots of small furniture to use in projects with you now! Today, I'm going to show you how to do an image transfer.
This is a table I did a while back using this technique.
Image transfer can be used on wood or metal, painted or not..and it's best for those fonts and pictures with all the little swirlies you don't want to trace and impress. But let me tell y'all something...this technique is a labor of love. It's not a "quickie" project, so if you are prone to abandon things the minute they begin to feel like work, don't try this on something you can't live without.
Whatever you choose to apply the image transfer to needs to be completely ready, minus clear coat, before you begin.
Once your piece is ready to go, you will need to find your image. My go to website for awesome, free images is There is so much here, you will have a hard time choosing.
Print your will be placing the image face down for the transfer, so if it has words you will need to reverse it before you print.
Now trim as much white from around your image. This will just make less work later.
Break out your Mod Podge and a brush.
You are going to paint a layer of Mod Podge onto the image. If you haven't worked with it before, let me warn you, Mod Podge is a finicky little brat. Use too little and it won't stick, use too much and your paper will get all nasty and fall apart. So, with that in mind, apply a generous, but not ridiculous, layer onto the image. Now, place the image, Mod Podge down onto your may be a good idea to do a placement test BEFORE applying the Mod Podge...once you stick it, it needs to stay stuck. Rub it gently with your fingers to get any air bubbles out.
Now...walk away. I know alot of you are going to want to "check" it...want this project to move a little faster at this me, walk away. If you mess with it, you're going to screw it up. It needs to dry for a few hours, at least. If your OCD is just out of control, plan this project strategically right before bed so you have no choice but to leave it alone.
Once the paper is good and dry, it's time to remove it to reveal the transferred image. I realize I just spent an entire paragraph berating you to let this thing dry...but now you are going to wet it again. I usually take a wad of paper towels, wet them, and wring them out really gently dab the image with them until it"s damp. You don't want it WET.
Once it is damp, start rubbing the paper with your finger...GENTLY. If you rub too hard, you'll remove the image and all...which I do purposefully sometimes, because I like the aged look it gives. If you screw up and remove some parts of the image, say you were going for an aged look.
When all the paper is removed from the image, spray the entire piece with clear coat.
That's it!! Its a little time consuming, but not hard!
I'm going to end this post with a completely random may or may not know this about me, but I love a good garage sale. My entire family knows that no matter where we are going, a garage sale stop could happen at anytime. In fact, baybay has been trained to look for garage sale signs as we travel and announces them from the backseat.
I found the motherlode this past weekend...can I just tell you...fabric for $1 a yard....ONE DOLLAR A YARD, people!! The only thing was, this fabric was still in the lady's sewing room. In plastic boxes. Lots of them. Imagine me, waist deep, in a stranger's sewing room, frantically digging through tons of husband is cringing right now, I know it. But it was worth it...I mean, really, $1 a yard!!
The first person to comment on my facebook page at, within my traveling area (sorry folks, I'm not mailing this one) can claim the image transfer table as their own!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Killin Birds
This blog post was supposed to happen yesterday, but good ole' lack o' knowledge prevented that. I can Google with the best of them though, so tonight I'm ready. It literally took me ALL day to figure out how to get my pics to show in this blog.
I even resorted to bribery. I finally got so fed up with it, I told big baybay that I'd pay him $20 if he could tell me how to do it before the night was up. But I figured it out first. It does not amuse him when this happens. Yes, it's something I do occasionally. Last week, I offered a $5 reward for the baybay that found my black flipflop first. It is amazing how much harder I work to find something, fix something, or figure something out when I'm trying not to give them my money.
Ok...on with the post....
This post is sponsored by my need to get several things done yesterday in a short amount of time. I promised a crafty tutorial, and I shall deliver. I also needed to make a sign for my new booth coming in October. So, a pallet sign tutorial was born.
Last, but certainly not least.....I needed some creative punishment. I have always believed in creative punishment, and in my house, if you are irresponsible with your schoolwork, then you get to involuntarily participate in a crafty tutorial.
Meet big baybay and his beautiful lady....
I even resorted to bribery. I finally got so fed up with it, I told big baybay that I'd pay him $20 if he could tell me how to do it before the night was up. But I figured it out first. It does not amuse him when this happens. Yes, it's something I do occasionally. Last week, I offered a $5 reward for the baybay that found my black flipflop first. It is amazing how much harder I work to find something, fix something, or figure something out when I'm trying not to give them my money.
Ok...on with the post....
This post is sponsored by my need to get several things done yesterday in a short amount of time. I promised a crafty tutorial, and I shall deliver. I also needed to make a sign for my new booth coming in October. So, a pallet sign tutorial was born.
Last, but certainly not least.....I needed some creative punishment. I have always believed in creative punishment, and in my house, if you are irresponsible with your schoolwork, then you get to involuntarily participate in a crafty tutorial.
Meet big baybay and his beautiful lady....
- I have used all of my good pallets in previous projects, so my sweet hubby
took off his recliner suitgave up some of his last day home to locate and pick up some really nice pallets for me.
The first thing you will want to do is decide if you want a small or large sign....this will decide where you will cut the pallet. I wanted a smaller sign since it will be hanging at the entrance of my booth.
Break out your reciprocating saw, and cut away...
- I wanted my sign 3 boards high, but we cut an extra board to be used to attach all the boards together. Big baybay used the jigsaw to strip this board down the middle and then cut off the excess.
***You will probably notice as some point in this post that all of my pictures are just headed straight down the page, and wonder why I'm not putting a few of them together so that this post isn't 40 miles long...well, I haven't figured out how to do that yet, so lets just be happy we have pictures for tonight, ok?****
I wanted my sign to have a little more finished look, so we sanded down the edges really well and even kind of rounded them a little. This step is purely optional.
Next, you will want to arrange your boards and put the smaller strips across the back of them. You will see big baybay using the pneumatic staple gun to attach these, but of course screws and a screwdriver would work as well.
Now, you can leave it natural or give it a coat of paint...I chose a Valspar white for mine. Paint the front and at a time, of course. Make sure it is good and dry before you move on to the lettering.
You will need a computer and printer for your lettering. Just choose your font and size...make sure your size is going to "match" your sign....type up your saying and print it out.
Cut the words out so that your placement wont be wonky...but make sure you leave a little white around the edges so there is somewhere to put the tape.
Now, just trace the outline of each letter with a blunt object. Press hard enough to indent the wood, but not hard enough to tear the paper. Think about this step again when you are choosing your font...those beautiful, swirly calligraphy type fonts will make you lose your Jesus when you start trying to trace them onto a pallet. Just sayin. just paint it in! I use acrylics and a tiny paint brush and go very, very slowly.
You will notice mine has holes in the top. I decided I wanted a little something extra, so I had big baybay drill some holes at the top.
Now, I'm gonna tell y'all something about me...I'm not necessarily cheap, but I just don't see the point in spending money when you can make do without sacrificing quality. Making do doesn't have to equal sacrificing quality...if you are creative. I have alot of stuff laying around from different projects, and I found a super cute drawer pull that I thought would look nice. I gently pounded it flat with a hammer and painted it to match the sign. I don't have a picture of this step, but I do have a picture of our favorite way to make sure we drill holes in the right place here in the zoo.
That's right folks, that's toothpaste. I am a couponer, and we have about 150 tubes of the stuff, so we get creative with our uses of that too. Dab it onto the prongs and then press it to the sign...tada...two nice little dots right where your holes should be...
Now, you need to attach something to the back with which to hang your sign. I have in the past used the little tab looking thingies (very technical terminology, I know) that go onto screws...but I wanted this sign to hang from a ribbon. And once again...we are using what we had...because, well, why not? Big Baybay used the pneumatic staple gun to attach these large book rings to each of the braces on the back...
And to finish it off, I tied my ribbon to each ring on the back. It was a little time consuming, but it wasn't hard, and big baybay enjoyed it, whether he admits it or not.
Isn't she lovely?
If you love this sign and would like to have your own, but do not have the time, the power tools, or the teenager to make one, please feel free to message me on my Facebook page (link below) and we can fix you up!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A Confession
This post will not, as previously promised, contain a craft tutorial. Now in all fairness, I DID complete a crafty project today and I DID chronicle the entire thing using my handy dandy Instagram app. But y'all, Blogger and Instagram are kicking my @ss.
You may or may not know this about me, but I quit my job about a year ago. I was a Lead teacher for the Special Education department in my parish. And in that job, I did ALOT of stuff with computers. So I have fought with this blog/Instagram business for days thinking "Really, Kerry? You used to...blah, blah, blah". You know, we tend to remember the past how we want to remember the past, haha.
So, if you are currently employed by or have been employed by the school system in my parish, and I ever fixed your computer for is my confession: I had NOT A CLUE what I was doing. I basically push buttons, jiggle wires, and click until I get lucky and something happens. But, hey, I was determined if nothing else. And I did get lucky alot.
I'm still the tutorial post will happen tomorrow, Lord willin', and it will contain lots of pictures...featuring big baybay! Please stay tuned!
P.S. Did y'all know that Blogger has thishorrible handy feature that lets you see how many people are visiting your page and reading your blog?? No, I haven't checked it 475 times in the last two days. Really. I haven't. But I am SO grateful for the 103 page views, whoever you are.
You may or may not know this about me, but I quit my job about a year ago. I was a Lead teacher for the Special Education department in my parish. And in that job, I did ALOT of stuff with computers. So I have fought with this blog/Instagram business for days thinking "Really, Kerry? You used to...blah, blah, blah". You know, we tend to remember the past how we want to remember the past, haha.
So, if you are currently employed by or have been employed by the school system in my parish, and I ever fixed your computer for is my confession: I had NOT A CLUE what I was doing. I basically push buttons, jiggle wires, and click until I get lucky and something happens. But, hey, I was determined if nothing else. And I did get lucky alot.
I'm still the tutorial post will happen tomorrow, Lord willin', and it will contain lots of pictures...featuring big baybay! Please stay tuned!
P.S. Did y'all know that Blogger has this
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Zoo
I may be the only person that doesn't read the "about" section on a blog..but just in case I'm not, I'll save you the trouble. Plus, I haven't even filled that section out yet. If you are reading this and know me, feel free to type that up and send it to me.
I've got alot of good ideas for this blog, but I quickly realized that they will involve taking pictures and divulging information....and that staging every picture to hide the massive pile of laundry on my couch, making sure the children are perfectly groomed before each shot, or rewording every story to leave out the meltdown in the grocery store, restaurant, or car would be exhausting. And lets face'd much rather read a blog that makes you feel ok about your own pile of laundry, right?
I love the idea of organization...I have so much good information on organization. I have planners, and storage gadgets, and a million pins on Pinterest concerning the subject. But, man, I suck at implementation. I get so caught up in HOW I'm going to do it, that the "it" usually never happens. Add to that mix a teenager and a very active 4 year old and the result is our life, which my husband has fondly dubbed "the zoo". Unless we take it on the road, and then it becomes "the circus". People, please tell me you all really dont have it all together!!

I figured I might as well introduce the baybay...this is his preferred attire, and yes, that face is almost always that dirty, but he's having fun. Don't judge me, you know your kids are really this dirty too.
Stay tuned people, promises for a craft project tutorial in the next post!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
And Blog Makes Five...
Welcome to the back porch! That is NOT a picture of my back day I'll show you a picture of my back porch and you'll laugh your @ss off.
I'll be very honest with you...I know absolutely nothing about writing a blog. And I'm sure it will show for a very long time. I've always been intrigued by the idea, but always too chicken to do it. Seriously, this is like high school all over again. What if no one reads the blog? What if someone leaves a rude comment, or worse, what if NO ONE leaves a comment? And then I decided I did not care. I'll write this blog because I want to, and I'll probably write it just like no one will ever read it. Be prepared for anything.
If you are OCD, this blog might drive you crazy. You will be tempted to have the "wait..I thought this blog was about..." moment. This blog is about anything and everything...whatever the day brings. I'm a wife, a mother, a homeschooler, a craftaholic, and a business owner there's lots to share.
Today's title is in honor of my family...who drive, lift, haul, sand, move, stage, and perform any other strenuous task necessary to support me in my refinishing endeavors...but who are also not-so-secretly horrified at the thought of me sharing our "bidness" with the world. I don't know what their problem is, I think we're funny.
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